"What the hand does the mind remembers"
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A typical day at Montessori Gemsmston
07h00-08h00 Arrive, eat breakfast if running late at home.
08h00-11h00 Work cycle - children may choose work to do in the five curriculum areas. Observation and following the child ensures that all the curriculum areas are visited and engaged with. Around 9h30 a snack is made available.
11h00-11h30 Circle time is when the children gather to talk about the current theme. Songs are sung poems and stories are read which relate to the theme.
11h30-12h30 Outside time (Playground time, Gardening, Ball-skills, Arts and Crafts, Dance and Cooking)
12h30-13h00 Pack away, wash up for lunch.
13h00-13h30 Lunch Time.
13h30-17h15 Collection.